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"Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country"-John.F.Kennedy

Thursday, 19 January 2012

What do you see? Half full or Half empty?

Half full or Half empty?
One of my favourite subjects in secondary school was Mathematics! I think it sounds strange to you as it did to many of my friends and probably my teachers then. But in my form one I did not do very well in my first maths exam and I thought maths was very difficult and many believed with me that it was so.During the holidays I met one of my sister's maths teacher and I told him about this. "Teacher, I was doing well in Maths in primary school, but now I find it very difficult and I don't like it anymore". You know what he told me? 
Godliver, Mathematics is the simplest subject. But unless you change your mindset from 'difficult' to 'simple' then you will not love it, then you will not enjoy doing it, then you will not work hard for it and ultimately you will fail and hate it even more". Then he added, "Maths is only difficult to those who believes is so or told to believe so". 
These may seem like just a mere story, but to me it transformed my way of thinking. From that day, I promised myself and him(my teacher) that I will start a new look in this area and I will do the best. Of course I not only worked hard on the subject but I took an initiatives to inspire my friends especially girls that they could do it. It worked! I remember to have written an article in one of  the Girl schools' magazine called TUSEME about Mathematics because it turned out to be interesting to me

I do not intend to inspire you to study mathematics now but to challenge you how mindset works. The way you believe you are then it will turn out to be true. The more you see it as difficult , the less efforts you invest to it and I guess the results will ultimately prove you to be a failure. Only when I gave mathematics a new perception and acted upon it, its when I could see fruitful results.Just ask yourself how do you look at things? It is not being over ambitious but being positive. Believe that you are able to do it and take actions about it. If you know that you have every thing needed to be the CEO of this company, don't find reasons to make you feel you cant, instead look at the strengths you have to go for it. See the glass half full instead of half empty.You will find many ladies sympathising that  they can't do certain types of courses or jobs because they are women. Who said so? It is just your mindset. I believe you can, give it a try and you will see!

Are you there? I want to challenge you today to see things from a perspective of an optimist and opportunist where you will realise your glass is half full and you see an opportunity to do something to make it full . Start from the way you look at yourself, your job/business, your family, your community and your nation. Let me put it clear, it is not about just being positive but it is 'Yes I can' with actions. First I started by looking Maths from this angle: If I can read hundred pages for one chapter of biology and understand, is it not even easier to grab one or two formulae in Maths and am done with the topic? But then my next step was to work on it, talk about it and share the knowledge with others until it was not only clear but also interesting to me. So it takes a change of mindset and action to bring about change!
Tuamke, Lets talk! Tuongee!

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

What will you see??

What will you see?The Dog Peeing or The Beautiful Sunshine?
Don't Just Complain, Take Action

Have you ever met some people who complain about everything? It's not a surprise when you meet that person in the morning and the first thing that will come out in response to your hello is  "It's a such a boring morning, I took my dog out to 'pee' early morning but it ended up 'peeing' in my living room". Is this  the only thing that you see in this beautiful day? Why won't you see the strength and the health in you, the beautiful day, awesome whether and such things instead of the only one instance of your dog peeing? Will you see the sunshine instead ? This is how most of us are. We are always complaining about everything and yet we do nothing about it. This will not change anything. 

Imagine a house burning and instead of taking appropriate action to fight the fire, you are just complaining about the carelessness of your house help? At the end of the day the house will be consumed my fire and instead of 'building' you are actual destroying. I wish you would have shown action to save the house and later train your house help some safety, measure? Imagine this would save your house, at the same time protect it from future incidents of fire! 

Sitting at the corridor of your house, complaining 'life is difficult' everyday does not add any value to your life, instead it consumes your life. Few years ago  I went to a mission trip in one of the islands of my beautiful country and I got an opportunity to talk with some of the people in that area about life and economy.The people of course had a very poor living condition and almost every person, men and women were complaining life is difficult, the president this, the president that and so on. It was very unfortunate to see big potential areas for farming but the people could not grow even vegetables for their households. A sad thing was as they wake up, they would go in some places where they meet,play 'kamari' or  just sit and complain about life. My question was "What do you want for the president to do? To come and build a house for everyone, distribute three meals a day and so forth?" I agree the fact that the Government has its role, but we have to show our efforts.Let us rise up and do our part; we are the people, we are the source of change. 

Young People, We are the one to create the Tanzania we want.Don't just complain,take Action!
Pamoja Inawezekana.